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Fitness Professionals

How To Write A Medical Research Paper

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The number of human deaths that occurred in the past due to unknown diseases and pandemics is significant. Every healthcare professional needs to understand how to fight it, and whether it is necessary to do it.  The situation has fortunately changed over the years, and dangerous illnesses have becomeRead more →

Emma Doherty chats to West London Living about her bespoke coaching program for women who want to get in the best shape of their lives

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Jasmine Pradhan interviews Emma Doherty, the founder of Empower Online Coaching, the bespoke fitness coaching organisation taking the internet by storm.

JP: What is Empower Online Coaching?

ED: Empower Online Coaching is an inclusive and holistic approach to achieving a transformation far beyond… Read more →

The Benefits of Meditation for a Good Night’s Sleep

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Are you having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? It might sound like something out of a fairytale, but there are easy ways to improve your sleeping habits that don’t involve counting sheep or taking pills. Meditation is one of the most beneficial and natural methods for improving sleep… Read more →
Salon London

How Chronic Pain Affects Your Sleep and What to Do About It

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Do you often struggle to get a good night’s sleep? Do you suffer from chronic pain that keeps waking you up throughout the night, making it difficult for you to feel rested and refreshed in the morning? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are dealing with some form of pain-related insomnia… Read more →

We’ve discovered a unique retreat for mums & daughters in Berkshire

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Self-care is not selfish. This is the ethos behind re:treat – an exciting new wellness retreat offering, including one-of-a-kind weekends away for parents and their children or teens. From a luxurious venue in West Berkshire with unspoiled views of the Ridgeway, a team of specialists have put together… Read more →

Meet HUX: find your daily edge with the hottest new supplement brand

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Looking to take the confusion and complexity out of your daily healthcare routine and inject a little more energy, enthusiasm and clarity? Well, welcome to HUX, the new health supplement company created to inspire everyone to find their daily edge by making complex nutrition simple. HUX was formed… Read more →

Lampton Leisure Offers Free Trial Venue Hire To Local Sports Clubs

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Lampton Leisure, the leisure services provider for the London Borough of Hounslow, is offering local sports clubs the opportunity to try out facilities with a free hire booking. Recognising the challenges that local community clubs face with the cost-of-living crisis, Lampton Leisure are offering… Read more →

We tried the F45 challenge & here’s the verdict…

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The F in F45 stands for functional training: a mix of circuit and hit-style workouts geared towards everyday movement. 45 is the total amount of time for sweat-dripping, heart-pumping fun.

What’s the F45 Challenge all about?

Implemented on a seasonal basis, F45’s 45-Day Challenge is tailored… Read more →

Proven Ways to Make You Feel Better

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Imagine you take a THC edible or smoke a joint, and suddenly things aren’t as amazing as you expected. It’s not uncommon. Even if you don’t have a low tolerance, it can sometimes happen when you take cannabis. Yes, even to experienced consumers. It’s not pleasant, to say the least. The symptoms… Read more →

CBD Gummies for Anxiety: Are They Really Effective?

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One of the most well-liked CBD products for reducing anxiety is CBD gummies. Numerous edible products are available, including capsules, tinctures, and oils. However, CBD gummies have the best flavour. Additionally, they are effortless to use, and their effects show immediately. More importantly,… Read more →

All you need to know before trying out delta 9 THC

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Delta 9 THC is the short form for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-9-THC). In simple terms, it is the cannabinoid (cannabinoid is the technical name for a cannabis compound) that gets you high, very high. It is the main psychoactive ingredient in weed. A psychoactiveRead more →

How To Help Your Elderly Relatives Stay Fit

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As you age, your body changes in many ways. You have less muscle mass and strength, your balance is not what it used to be, and your reaction time slows down. Ageing also brings with it a number of health issues that make staying as fit as you are now even more challenging. That being said, there’s no need to… Read more →

The Best Hiking Boots for Men and Women

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The most important aspect that you need to keep in mind while selecting your hiking boots is comfort. Your choice of footwear can either make your hiking experience or break it. Apart from comfort, there are multiple factors that you need to keep in mind while selecting boots for your hiking trip. Everything… Read more →

How to Boost Your Weight Loss and Feel Great

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It’s summertime and the sun’s shining. We all want to look our best and losing those extra pounds may be weighing on your mind. Feel fabulous and be your radiant self with these tips to help you lose weight and feel great.


When it’s hot you might be tempted to lounge in the garden with an Aperol spritz… Read more →

Top 5 Tips for Healthy Ageing

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When is the best time to start thinking about how to age healthily? You could start as early as your 20s, but most of us don’t really consider our golden years until our 50s or later. Setting yourself on the right track for keeping a sound body, mind and soul as you reach your 50s, 60s and beyond is a terrific… Read more →

Simple Ways to Improve Your Well-Being at Home

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Even with cities historically being the centres for work, the advent and acceptance of remote work have allowed for a lot more home time for many people. While it’s not the preference of every employer in the capital, with prices rising across the board, those who can work from home lean towards doing… Read more →

A Guide To West London’s Football Teams

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West London is a hotbed of culture, with places to visit and eat. It’s frequented by the great and the good daily, playing home to stars of screen and stage. It is also home to three of English football’s most romantic names, teams who help to define the area. The same can be said for other areas… Read more →

Hounslow Teams Take Part in London Youth Games

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The London Youth Games are now well underway with several teams competing over recent weeks and more events to come over the summer. Sunday 15th May saw the Hounslow team take part in the trampolining event where they achieved their best result in the last 6 years. Nine local gymnasts took part and finished… Read more →

4 Reasons why you should try CBD

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Have you heard all the rage about CBD and how it is so great for you but don’t know why this is or how it works? Do you want to know why more and more people are starting to make use of CBD in their day-to-day life and how it helps them? The stigma of marijuana and cannabis use is now almost gone, and legalisation… Read more →

What Sort of Diet is Good for Your Whole Body?

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When considering a change of diet, people often focus on the potential for losing or gaining weight or changing their appearance in some way. This means that nourishment and the benefits of looking after your body can sometimes be forgotten. So what sort of diet is good for your whole body? Read on to find… Read more →

Why you should visit Randox Health

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Each personalised, private health package aims to identify early signs of illness in many cases before symptoms arise, empowering clients to take action to prevent or delay disease and live healthier for longer. Using their patented technology and the most advanced diagnostic tests, Randox screen… Read more →

We’ve discovered the perfect family sailing dinghy: the Reverso

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A true game-changer, the new Reverso offers a unique approach to modern sailing. Ideally suited for the needs of a family, Reverso brings together the best of high-performance sailing and ease of use into one. The ideal family daysailer, Reverso, measures 3.4 meters in length and is ready to use in just… Read more →

What Do You Need to Make Money Through Fitness?

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If you have a strict fitness regime and follow a healthy and manageable diet, you could have the knowledge and experience to help guide other people who want to improve their health and fitness. So, whether you choose to start a paid subscription service, work with people face-to-face, or offer a combination… Read more →

The popularity of CBD explained

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Since legalization came about in 2022, the cannabis industry has become rather big, worth a whopping $61 billion in the U.S alone and is expected to hit global sales up to $102 billion by 2026. One of the reasons why this industry is so popular and profitable is because of CBD which is one of the main active… Read more →

X-Pilates celebrates opening its doors in Westbourne

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Community-focused, boutique studio X-Pilates, has launched its first-ever branch in London. The site, which opened on 123 Westbourne Grove on Wednesday 13th December, offers World-Class Pilates sessions, a drop-in gym and a host of holistic wellbeing features. X-Pilates provides a high quality,… Read more →

More Lampton Leisure Facilities To Get Green Uprades

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As part of its ongoing commitment to a healthier, more sustainable environment, Lampton Leisure, in partnership with Hounslow Council, is set to undergo green transformations at three more of its leisure centres, that will see the future-proofing of its services and will support the Council’s mission… Read more →

8 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

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Our long term health is impacted by consistently high blood pressure, which can increase our chance of suffering a stroke, coronary health diseases and kidney diseases. While high blood pressure can go unnoticed for years, with no noticeable symptoms to aid diagnosis, the impacts on our bodies are… Read more →

7 Ways that Technology Can Promote Wellness

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These days, we depend heavily on modern technologies as part of our daily lives. In fact, the human race probably would not have survived if it wasn’t for technology. For example, in the current COVID-19 pandemic, technology is helping to keep us safe and without it, we would have a much harder… Read more →

5 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eyes

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Your eyes can often be forgotten about when we think of keeping ourselves healthy but this shouldn’t be the case. Healthy eyes are crucial for maintaining clarity and vision and allowing you to continue doing what you love most. Looking after your eyes is much easier than it sounds and small changes… Read more →

Pick your perfect membership at Lampton Leisure with no joining fee throughout February

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With 2022 well underway, the team at Lampton Leisure knows that a one-size-fits-all approach to fitness doesn’t suit everyone. And, with this in mind, they have launched three new smart membership packages, designed to suit your favourite fitness fixes, at affordable prices. The new Bronze,… Read more →

Gold Maeng Da Kratom is the most complex strain to understand, and here’s why…

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Do you know what gold maeng da is? Have you ever heard about this strain of kratom? In this article, we talk about this strain in detail. We tell you why gold maeng is considered the most complex strain to understand. The gold maeng da is a blend of two types of kratom, but the mixture varies from one vendor… Read more →

How Can Consumption Of CBD Help In Muscle Development?

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The whole world is trying to locate new ways to develop and grow their muscles, but for many people, it’s hard. They might be losing motivation or have difficulty finding the time to go into the gym. So, do you want to learn how CBD can help with muscle development? It sounds like a miracle drug, but… Read more →

9 Lifestyle Factors That Affect Fertility

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Is your lifestyle affecting your fertility?

We are all aware that factors of our lifestyle affect numerous parts of our daily lives, but when was the last time you thought “how can my lifestyle affect my fertility?” Although it isn’t everything, many lifestyle factors including smoking, alcohol,… Read more →

Lampton Leisure are offering a mega January promo to new customers!

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It’s a brand-new year and the team at Lampton Leisure want to help you to keep all those good intentions you’ve made to shape up and keep fit. As fitness experts, they know you are far more likely to keep those new year resolutions and reach your goals, if you find activities that you truly love. So, with this… Read more →

Understanding Lactose Intolerance

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Lactose is a naturally present sugar found in milk and dairy products. Lactose intolerance is a common condition that manifests as bloating, diarrhoea, increased wind and constipation. It is estimated that close to 70% of the adult population are intolerant to a degree due to an absence or deficiency… Read more →

Hounslow Leisure Centres Announce National Fitness Day

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National Fitness Day, set to be the most active day of the year, takes place on Wednesday 22nd September and to help encourage the community to get active Lampton Leisure will be hosting a cycle challenge for members and non-members throughout the day.

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CBD benefits for the human body

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The human body can be very fragile and there are so many people in the world who suffer from all different kinds of ailments and diseases. CBD is a natural alternative to healing and can help with all your medical problems, but what is CBD? CBD is one of the 2 main active ingredients in the marijuana plant… Read more →

When is the best time to get pregnant?

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Trying to conceive or even planning when to get pregnant can be a difficult topic. But, why should it be? The Fertility Partnership (TFP), one of the UK’s largest IVF providers and fertility specialists, shares some insight into the best time to get pregnant and factors to consider when planning for… Read more →

Secondary School parents are set to spend £24 billion on tutors

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With back to school this September, new research from Tutorful, the experts in online tutoring, reveals that 78% of secondary school parents think that the pandemic has had a negative impact on their child’s education, with parents believing that their child (aged between 11 to 18yrs) is behind a whole… Read more →

Star Wars stunt actor Joel Adrian undergoes advanced knee surgery at New Victoria Hospital after sustaining an injury on set

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The pressures of stunt performance

Starring in a Hollywood film may sound like a dream come true, but it comes with a healthy dose of pressure for everyone involved – especially if you’re the main stunt person on set. For Joel Adrian, a 31-year-old stuntman, actor and martial artist from Sweden,… Read more →

Everything you need to know about bespoke personal training service SIX3NINE

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When you join SIX3NINE, you don’t just work out a few times a week. This studio offers a 360 approach and works with you to build a full strategy to reach your goal that fits within the lifestyle you love. After the initial consultation, you are given a personal trainer who is matched to your needs.… Read more →

How to encourage your children to start gardening

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One of the biggest concerns for parents today is getting children away from their technology and out into nature. While there is nothing wrong with the games console, the tablet or laptop, these are passive activities and keep young people indoors. One way a parent can do this is to get their child out… Read more →

What are the Benefits of Using a Dry Herb Vaporiser?

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Marijuana is slowly but surely losing its bad reputation across many countries. In most, it is becoming legal for medicinal use and less for recreational use. It can be consumed in many different ways whether through oils, capsules, vaporizers or joints. For smokers, it is mainly vaporizers and joints.… Read more →

How to avoid loneliness while working from home

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It’s an era that many of us thought that we would never make. The thought of working from home was something that was reserved for a select few and while that number was rising over the long term, it was never ‘supposed’ to become the norm. How wrong we were. The events over the past twelve… Read more →

What to do when you don’t know what to do?

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How often do we pause to appreciate the beauty all around us, the subtleties of meaning and pockets of inspiration? We live in such a fast-paced world that we rarely find time to stand still. We can have overwhelming pressure on our lives and our next steps within cross-cultural dynamics, pressures and… Read more →

How to keep busy during retirement

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In our imagination, we do not need help knowing how to enjoy retirement. Retirement means the freedom to do whatever you want – what joy! Yet, you would be surprised how much you will struggle with staying active during retirement and how much you might end up craving the routine and purpose of work. Here… Read more →

Require a name change in the UK?

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Historically, people refrained from changing names and even when they did, it was more of an announcement in the press or declaration in front of some authoritative bodies. There was some development in the 18th and 19th centuries when Acts of Parliament and royal licenses made name change more official.… Read more →

The Expanding Range of CBD Products

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One thing that all consumers want to enjoy when purchasing any product is a lot of choices. This makes it much easier for people to find the perfect product for their needs at the right price. Those who are looking to purchase CBD products, in order to enjoy the wide range of benefits they offer, can look… Read more →

I took an Indaba yoga class every day for a week, and this is what happened..

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“Indaba believes passionately in the positive benefits of yoga and the great things that can happen when you feel good. The word Indaba is an ancient African term for “gathering”, and this idea lies at the heart of Indaba – to bring people together, provide the opportunity to step away from… Read more →

6 Top Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Relationship During COVID-19

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The COVID-19 pandemic has put many relationships under huge strain for a variety of different reasons. Common reasons for putting pressure on relationships include people suddenly spending all their time together with no break to see friends and family, as well as financial stress due to job loss… Read more →

Can London Set the Tone as the First Smoke-Free City in the World?

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There is no doubt that smoking is injurious for health. Not only does it cause several types of cancer, but it is also one of the leading causes of heart diseases. Despite the vast volume of literature regarding the hazards of smoking, it is surprising that it has not affected the number of people who smoke.… Read more →

Emma from Miss Richardsons Dogs reviews the best Dog Treats & Accessories

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I run a bespoke dog walking and daycare company, and my day to day is about making sure the pups I hang with have the best walks possible. I’m always trying out new dog accessories to make our days together fun and easy. With spring coming up, it’s a better time than ever to refresh the doggie… Read more →

Happy half term for kids and parents: relax with meaningful screen time with Readly digital magazine app

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We all need a break from home school but with lockdown continuing, what activities can you do to ensure the children still enjoy the break and you manage to relax a little whilst minimising meaningless screen time? With a growing need for entertainment, inspiration and relaxation at home, a subscription… Read more →

Why the Pandemic is Causing Spikes in Break-ups and Divorces

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As well as the death rates and illnesses caused by the pandemic, there have been many other knock-on effects such as increased mental health issues, business interruption and education disruption. Lockdown restrictions and other factors have brought challenges that nobody could have predicted.… Read more →

Are Home Workouts as Effective as Gym Workouts?

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Following the closure of gyms across the country throughout the UK’s sporadic COVID-19 lockdowns, many people have been forced to workout in their homes. Some prefer it, others hate it, but one thing everyone wants to know is, are gym workouts actually better for you than home workouts? The first thing… Read more →

Cibdol is paving the way for innovative CBD solutions

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CBD is rapidly increasing in popularity across the world and the UK. What makes this substance so special, and how is it different from cannabis? Cibdol is a market leader in the field of CBD and is situated in Switzerland. With their products, they are serving the global market. In this article we will… Read more →

Why CBD is the Latest Workout Trend

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2020 has been a strange year for all of us but for many, it’s been a chance to get back into a regular fitness routine. Even if gyms are closed, lockdown has meant plenty of time to get fit and strong, especially after putting on weight and drinking too much. But how can you take your workout to the next level?… Read more →

Laser Hair Removal has two major skin benefits!

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Expert commentary from laser hair removal specialists, Pulse Light Clinic:

At Pulse Light Clinic our most popular treatment is laser hair removal for both men and women. Using the latest laser technology we have treated over 35,000 clients in London alone. With over 18 years experience in laser … Read more →

Making Wellness Businesses Succeed in 2020

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Health and fitness is an attractive business domain, and many new and existing ventures want to walk on the road to success. For those looking for an experienced business consultant, CCJM Consulting offers prudent, industry derived mentorship to wellness coaches, nutritionists, healers, gym owners… Read more →

Five workouts to add variety to your summer exercise routine

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Research carried out by the UK’s largest activity platform, MoveGB​, has revealed that individuals who visit multiple venues to exercise are four times more likely to be active six months after joining than those who visit single gym venues. The average single venue attendee ends up cancelling their… Read more →

Tips to still get your running fix on while travelling

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One of life’s greatest joys is experiencing and exploring new things. We live in such a great big world that we have a seemingly unlimited number of opportunities to try new things, take risks, and get outside of our comfort zone, and it’s through these experiences that we often learn a lot about ourselves.… Read more →
Virgin Active Iron ZUU Photograph: Rosie Hallam

Get ready for a baptism of iron with Virgin Active’s newest workout Iron ZUU

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Ready, sets, gorilla. Iron ZUU is landing at Virgin Active this month; a brand-new fitness innovation that combines old school weightlifting with mobility training to unlock the power in your body, free your movements and deliver strong results. The 30 minute class is broken down into lower body,… Read more →

Why More ‘Life Skills’ Should Be Taught in Secondary School

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Making your own way in the world is difficult and there are plenty of things you need to know as an adult in the real world that are just not covered in school. Schools have to focus on teaching key academic subjects and, with the greatest will in the world, no collection of subjects covers every one of the… Read more →

Pulse at Virgin Active

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The “Big Fish, Little Fish, Cardboard Box” is back with a bang, at Virgin Active. A fun new dance fitness class, Pulse powered by Clubbercise, has just landed in Virgin Active clubs nationwide, bringing with it club anthems, glow sticks, neon attire, and those all-important rave moves.… Read more →

Barre Class at Virgin Active

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A fusion of classical ballet moves with Pilates, yoga and dance set to high-energy music, a session of Barre will tone, define and sculpt the whole body from head to pointed-toe! Virgin Active studios nationwide are being kitted out with barres which not only aid balance but will help you to push your… Read more →

Top tips for training while pregnant (Part II)

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Hugh Hanley, father of two and National Personal Training Manager at Virgin Active, on training while pregnant

Training while pregnant helps you to be more prepared for the physical stresses of carrying a baby and labour. However, inappropriate exercise can be harmful for the mother or baby, so be… Read more →

Top tips for training while pregnant (Part I)

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Hugh Hanley, father of two and National Personal Training Manager at Virgin Active, on training while pregnant

Being pregnant can be an amazing time for mothers-to-be and there’s no reason why you should stop exercising or training during the pregnancy. Here are our top tips for staying in shape… Read more →

Alex Rahim, Personal Trainer at Virgin Active, on Marathon Recovery (Part two)

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  What should you do immediately after a marathon? Have an ice bath? Stretch? Book in a sports massage – what would you recommend and when?

I would recommend all of those if facilities allow. Ice baths are important in reducing inflammation. Massage will also aid in flushing out those waste products.

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Alex Rahim, Personal Trainer at Virgin Active on Marathon Recovery

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  When and what should you eat after completing the marathon?

Eating as soon as possible after the marathon is vital as your body will be craving food following the stress it has just been under.

Ensure that your diet contains lots of protein, fats and carbohydrates for good recovery.

Do your best to have

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Fitness professionals lose weight

Five Summer Weight Loss Secrets

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Get active

This sounds incredibly obvious but with so much ‘expert advice’ floating round the internet these days, it can become easy to forget the fundamentals. Fat is essentially energy, energy that has not been expended and must therefore be stored as it cannot stay in the stomach or… Read more →

Q&A: Expert Commentary from Tom Lawman-Butler

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 What lifestyle choices do you make at home to stay fit and healthy? Do you ever cheat? Does your family adhere to a similar plan?

I spend a lot of time cooking when I’m at home, to ensure I have healthy meals with me when I’m on the go. My approach to nutrition is flexible, which allows me to eat my favourite foods

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Q&A: Expert Commentary from Tom Lawman-Butler

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 What are some things you recommend everyone do at home to get fit?

I recommend people spend less time socialising with screens and more time engaging in physical activities. Set small challenges that you can fit around your lifestyle. 

For instance, spend 10 minutes a day trying to improve your flexibility… Read more →

Q&A: Expert Commentary from Tom Lawman-Butler

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 What are your clients’ most common goals and why is it important to seek the help of a personal trainer when diet and exercising at home aren’t enough?

The most common goal of my clients is fat loss. With 65% of the UK adult population now being classed as overweight, and everyone eating too much and moving

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W10 performance gym

Q&A: Expert Commentary from Jean-Claude Vacassin

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 Should you exercise less to lose more?

When it comes to working out and eating well, most of us are extremists to a greater or lesser degree — it’s an all-or-nothing approach. When we are ‘on it’, it is regular gym sessions, plenty of fruit and vegetables and social abstinence, which of course means

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Q&A: Expert Commentary from Tom Lawman-Butler

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 Aside from the actual work that you do with your clients, what does being a personal trainer entail?

The majority of a personal trainer’s time outside of training clients is spent planning out each session. Every session needs to be fun, engaging and goal-orientated.

Personal development andRead more →
W10 performance gym

Q&A: Expert Commentary from Jean-Claude Vacassin

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 Fitness and nutrition gone wrong

I am passionate about influencing people to live healthier lives and I want to share my experiences and those of others whom I have influenced, to do my bit to build happier and healthier communities. As such, like many others in the ‘fitness industry’, I am vocal about

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Q&A: Expert Commentary from Tom Lawman-Butler

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 Which supplements do you recommend?

The only supplements that I would recommend to the majority of my clients are a low dose multivitamin, Omega 3 and Vitamin D3. Taking a low dose multivitamin will make sure they get all the essential vitamins and minerals that may be missing from their diet.

Omega 3… Read more →
W10 performance gym

Q&A: Expert Commentary from Jean-Claude Vacassin

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 Are the scales lying to you?

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘the scales don’t tell you the truth, they lie’. It’s actually not true. The scales don’t lie, that number you that can see between your feet is accurate. It’s true of the BMI index also, that doesn’t lie either, the number you are given is accurate,

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Q&A: Expert Commentary from Tom Lawman-Butler

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 What are the best exercises for the desk-bound? I have constant knots and aching shoulders from typing and am not sure whether exercising would exacerbate or improve this…

Sitting for long periods of time often leads to muscle tightness on the front of the body and weaknesses on the back.

The bestRead more →

Q&A: Expert Commentary From Dara Dairo

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 What are your failsafe tips on motivation?

There are so many different psychological techniques for motivation, but the one I always tell my clients is to be honest with themselves. The number one limiting factor with someone who fails to reach their goals is that they are not honest with themselves;

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Q&A: Expert Commentary From Dara Dairo

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 Which foods are best to eat before working out for maximum fat loss and muscle gain?

Losing body fat should be controlled, and diet will help with the reduction of body fat to reveal that newly acquired muscle density. It will also help control the hormonal challenges that restrict muscle growth. Try

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Q&A: Expert Commentary From Dara Dairo

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 I’m naturally skinny and want to put on weight without becoming ‘skinny fat’, how should I go about this?

‘Skinny fat’ refers to someone who by no means looks overweight, nor do they weigh enough to be considered overweight, yet they have a higher percentage of body fat than would be considered

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W10 performance gym

Q&A: Expert Commentary From W10 Performance

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Why is hydration so important?

Water is essential to life, and it is the one thing that we cannot go without for a sustained period of time. Hydration plays a pivotal role in both fat loss and muscle gain, a hydrated cell works more efficiently and is better primed to burn fat and make energy. If fat cells

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W10 performance gym

Expert Commentary From W10 Performance

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Recovery and regeneration is essential to long-term progress:

Along with its ugly twin strength training, recovery is often the most overlooked aspect of exercise. More isn’t always better, and people who push and push with no respite will find a stall in progress. Your body doesn’t recover during… Read more →
W10 performance gym

Q&A: Expert Commentary From W10 Performance

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 Beginners Guide to the Squat

 What is it?

The squat is hailed, by some, as the king of all exercises and I don’t mind admitting that it’s my favourite lift. The squat is fantastic at developing strength in the lower body and there are studies to show that squat strength can have a positive effect on everything… Read more →
W10 performance gym

Q&A: Expert Commentary From W10 Performance

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 What time of day is it best to exercise?

 We all want to get the most out of our time spent exercising. Two of the biggest reasons that people cite for not exercising are lack of results and lack of time, so we need make sure that we maximise the outcome for both. Which opens up the question of whether should we… Read more →

Q&A: Expert Commentary From Max Smith

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 I’m keen to start running outdoors, what is the best way to prepare my body for this?

Due to its repetitive nature, running can be taxing on the joints and muscles, it can therefore be very useful having a postural analysis done by a relevant professional to ensure you are carrying and moving your body in

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Q&A: Expert Commentary From Max Smith

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I want to start working out with my boyfriend? What would you suggest we do together as he’s a lot stronger than me, but I’m better at cardio?

Working out with a partner can be a great motivator, there’s no reason the two of you can’t perform the same routines so long as the resistance is adjusted… Read more →

Q&A: Expert Commentary From Max Smith

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I’m a slim male in his 30s but have a very strong family history of heart disease, what’s the best preventative exercise program to reduce my risk of heart problems?

A sedentary or inactive lifestyle is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease so any form of exercises will be greatly… Read more →

Q&A: Expert Commentary From Max Smith

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I’ve been skiing for years, but I would like to try snowboarding this year. I work out regularly in the gym, but is there any particular exercise I should be doing to prepare for snowboarding?

A programme preparing for such a sport as skiing or snowboarding really should contain the king of lower body exercises,… Read more →

Q&A: Expert Commentary From Max Smith

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 I used to be slim and very fit, but I became comfortable in a relationship and gained a few stone. My BMI is now 27. What’s the best way to ease myself back into exercise and lose the weight quickly?

 Try not to focus too much on your BMI score, instead try to understand how much fat and muscle you are carrying… Read more →

Q&A: Expert Commentary From Max Smith

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 I’ve tried everything from caffeine patches to swimming, but can’t get rid of my cellulite. Is there anything I can do to reduce it?

 Often the answer really isn’t as complicated as society and the media would have you believe. Cellulite is ultimately just fat, when it comes to burning fat the key… Read more →

A New Way To Deal With Stress

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Stress affects all of us in different ways, so it makes a lot of sense that we have different ways to deal with it. What works for one person will not necessarily be good for another. Some people like to write down the things that are bothering them and tackle the list one item at a time. This can be great for… Read more →
Cheyne Voss

The Physiotherapist: How Much Stretching Is Too Much Stretching?

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Most people understand the importance of maintaining the appropriate level of flexibility in their daily lives to avoid musculoskeletal imbalance (particularly reduced/movements in the joints, tightness and reduced range in the muscles) leading to discomfort, pain and ultimately, debilitating

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Six-Week Shape-Up with BodyWorksWest: Week Three

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So we’re into our third week and approaching the middle of the program. My good intentions are beginning to plateau and I’m dreading the gruelling sessions with Andre. This probably isn’t helped by the fact I’ve had flu for the last few days and the last thing I want to do is jog! I’m still following a healthy… Read more →

Six-Week Shape-Up with BodyWorksWest: Week Two

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So I’m two weeks in and already beginning to see results, I’ve lost inches from my waist and thighs, but when Jackie the nutritionist weighed me a few days ago I’d actually gained weight. I’m told this is a good thing – testament to the amount of lean muscle I’m laying down. As muscle burns far more… Read more →

Make Your Bike Worth More With Evans Cycles & Bikeworks

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From Monday 15 April Evans Cycles will be launching its Great Evans Cycles Trade-In initiative, committing to providing customers with up to £100 off a new bike when trading in their old wheels. There are an estimated 10 million unused and unloved bikes in Britain that people think are worthless. However,… Read more →

Six-Week Shape-Up with BodyWorksWest: Week One

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BodyWorksWest gym in Notting Hill have devised a short, intensive shape-up program consisting of 12 personal training sessions, four nutritional consultations and 12 independent workouts. My sedentary lifestyle and penchant for junk food mean I’ve gained an inordinate amount of flab over the… Read more →

Darts Fans Descend on London for the Ladbrokes World Championship

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Over the Christmas 2012 period the Alexandra Palace in North London was home to the Professional Darts Corporation’s annual Worlds Darts Championship event. The tournament, sponsored by bookmakers Ladbrokes, ran from Friday 14 December until the Tuesday 1 January, and during that time fans… Read more →

Are Carbs Really the Enemy?

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‘Oh no, carbs are the enemy!’ Eat with anyone who’s dieting these days, and you’re almost guaranteed to hear this – particularly when there are chips in the offing. But is there any truth in it?

Well, yes. But, again, no. Carbohydrates are essentially a chains of sugars, which the body breaks… Read more →
virgin active

Virgin Active Health Club Kensington £1.1 Million Refurb

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Tucked away behind Kensington High Street lies the newly refurbished Virgin Classic gym. One of just 11 in the country, these are Virgin Active’s most luxurious, state-of-the-art destinations. Boasting anti-gravity yoga, delicious hydrotherapy pool and Jacuzzi, wonderfully warm, atmospherically-lit… Read more →

The Fitness Trainer: Defined collarbones

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Sarah Colbourne, founder of Heart & Soul Fitness, has 15 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

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tricep extentions

The Fitness Trainer: Tone your arms

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Sarah Colbourne, founder of Heart & Soul Fitness, has 15 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

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Christopher Kane S/S 12
Christopher Kane S/S 12

Fashion for Fitness

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Sheer Beauty: toning the torso

At Christopher Kane there was an explosion of flowery stickers beneath a bed of sheer organza, while Marios Schwab used lace panels to create a smouldering vintage feel. Plank / press-up combo:
Perform a set of wide elbow press-ups followed by a plank (either staying on… Read more →
kettle bells

The Fitness Trainer: Change your body shape

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Sarah Colbourne, founder of Heart & Soul Fitness, has 15 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

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Cheyne Voss

The Physiotherapist: What’s Wrong with Rehab?

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As a physiotherapist, and also a keen (if occasionally injury-prone) sportsman, it’s clear that there’s a lot wrong with the modern day rehabilitation process in the UK. In general, the issues fall under four headings; the system, the physios, the process and last but by no means least, the patients

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The Holistic Coach

The Holistic Coach: Time Management and Healing

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Nikki Mansergh is a qualified ABNLP (American Board of Hypnotherapy and American Board of Neuro-linguistic programming), Recovery Coach and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner, who has been coaching since 1998.

Many new challenges this week;  I would most like to discuss a relocations… Read more →
D&G S/S 12 Milan
D&G S/S 12 Milan

Fashion for Fitness

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Coloured shorts and printed jeans: exercise for slimming thighs

Seen at D&G and Holly Fulton – the only way to step into summer this season is in a pair of statement shorts. Work the colour clash trend with a Monica & Joe draped orange top and minimal jewellery from Daisy. The exercise: Side-lying… Read more →
calf raises

The Fitness Trainer: Get calf definition

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Sarah Colbourne, founder of Heart & Soul Fitness, has 15 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

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Deadlifts with Olympic bar

The Fitness Trainer: Get Rid of a ‘Muffin Top’

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Sarah Colbourne, founder of Heart & Soul Fitness, has 15 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

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Marc Jacobs’ S/S 12 collection for Louis Vuitton
Marc Jacobs’ S/S 12 collection for Louis Vuitton

Fashion for Fitness

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Mules: exercise for the ankles

The classic backless shoe, adorned with intricate gold beading at Oscar de la Renta, slick stripes at Fendi and golden brocade at Rochas. Louis Vuitton matched its candy pastel collection to pointed mules with metallic straps and silver toes. The exercise: Step Calf… Read more →
Bench Press

The Fitness Trainer: Get Rid of Saggy Boobs

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Sarah Colbourne, founder of Heart & Soul Fitness, has 15 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

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Gucci S/S 12
Gucci S/S 12

Fashion for Fitness

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Flapper dresses: exercise for the cleavage and décolletage

From the sexy Art Deco glitz at Gucci to the flapper-fab cocktail dresses at Ralph Lauren. Loose-fitting, low-cut dresses with embellishments, fringing and beading that the ‘20s fashion is romanticised for. The exercise: Press-ups (wide… Read more →
The Holistic Coach

The Holistic Coach’s Thought of the Day

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Nikki Mansergh is a qualified ABNLP (American Board of Hypnotherapy and American Board of Neuro-linguistic programming), Recovery Coach and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner, who has been coaching since 1998.

The present. That’s all we have. I coach, among other things, mindfulness.… Read more →
Chest Flies Exercise

The Fitness Trainer: Get Rid of ‘Moobs’

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Sarah Colbourne, founder of Heart & Soul Fitness, has 15 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

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Nina Ricci SS12
Nina Ricci Summer 2012 Look 2

Fashion for Fitness

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Crop Tops: exercise for the midriff

Dolce & Gabbana channeled Sophia Loren, and Emilio Pucci’s Peter Dundas conjured a latter-day Brigitte Bardot. The key is to keep the belly button under wraps, exposing just a tasteful flash of skin below the bandeau. The exercise: Single leg extension. Lying… Read more →
The Holistic Coach

The Holistic Coach

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Nikki Mansergh is a qualified ABNLP (American Board of Hypnotherapy and American Board of Neuro-linguistic programming), Recovery Coach and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner, who has been coaching since 1998.

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Tricep dips

The Fitness Trainer: Get Rid of Bat Wings

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Sarah Colbourne, founder of Heart & Soul Fitness, has 15 years’ experience in the fitness industry.

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The Sleep Guru

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Sleep Guru, Anandi is a qualified NLP instructor and hypnotherapist who has studied for 500 hours with her yoga guru in India. Her mission in life is to help everyone enjoy a sound night’s sleep – naturally.

You needn’t be an insomniac or suffer from anxiety to want to take measures to improve your… Read more →
Jason Wu S/S 12
Jason Wu S/S 12

Fashion for Fitness

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Picking up the peplum

Accentuating the waist or the hips, Givency takes the pretty out of the peplum with black lace and leather while Vera Wang, Celine and Dries Van Noten showed all-white styles and high-tech mesh for an ultra-modern look. The exercise: Hips and bottom – Side lying leg lifts, kicks… Read more →
paco rabanne S/S 12
Paco Rabanne S/S 12

Fashion for Fitness

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Shiny and Naughty

A touch of S&M and a screech of PVC dazzled the catwalk with leather-adorned dresses at Antonio Berardi to Felder Felder’s futuristic backpack. The exercise: Cardio/weights circuit. The best way to slim down is to combine a mixture of cardiovascular and resistance-based… Read more →
Amanda Wakeley 32
Double Drape Maxi by Amanda Wakeley S/S 2012

Fashion for Fitness

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Sporty Touches: exercise for backs

This spring/summer look out for racer backs on dresses, including mesh inserts and the sandal-shoe from a peek-a-boo mesh Marios Schwab and an androgynous sense of sportswear at Aquascutum. The exercise: Upper back extension with arm lift. Lie on your front with… Read more →
The de-stress diet

The De-Stress Diet

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Find me a woman (or man) who does not want to be calmer or slimmer… or both. It is, quite honestly, all that most of us really want, especially in February when the last few weeks have been about nothing but failed diet attempts, mixed with the stress of feeling penniless after Christmas. Charlotte Watts,… Read more →
Emma Watson
Emma Watson for Teen Vogue shoot; D&G blouse, Erin Fetherson skirt, © Norman Jean Roy

Fashion for Fitness

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Nipped-in waists shortly followed by the poof of a full skirt from an elegant puffball at Peter Pilotto to a slouchy style at Jonathan. Waist – side plank, plus lift and lower.

Set up in a standard side plank position. Your body is in a straight line resting on your knees and forearm/elbow.… Read more →