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What makes for a rock ‘n’ roll life?

‘My life isn’t feeling very rock ‘n’ roll right now,’ I messaged my neighbour, who had made it clear he wasn’t interested in me, saying that work was currently dominating his life.

The Musician messaged me the following day, wanting … Read more →

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WLG on first date venues

‘I went on a first date with a good-looking South African, but he suggested a bar specialising in craft beer. I hate beer – why would anyone want to pay more for it? And my profile specifically included “oenophile.” It … Read more →

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Girls just want to have fun… With younger guys

Maddie knows how to have fun. She is dating a teacher, 10 years her junior, who currently lives on another continent. She met him around the same time she met Billy Billionaire, who is 15 years her senior and lives … Read more →

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Not dating in Dubai

My dating life in Dubai has gone from abysmal to non-existent. It turned out that Quentin, the vet, whom I thought had flirted with me during a drawn-out visit with my sick street cat, was merely incompetent.

My … Read more →

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Who needs Snapchat to stalk someone?

It previously drew criticism for facilitating underage sexting and now Snapchat is under fire for its latest feature. Snap Maps uses augmented reality technology to allow other users to track your location in real time as you post pictures. In … Read more →

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WLG on cultivating a beginner’s mind

Dubai is a small city. One of the ladies forwarded a screenshot of her Tinder conversation to our ‘ladies nights’ WhatsApp group. Two of the other ladies immediately recognised him from their own previous Tinder experiences. Sabine, in particular, … Read more →

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WLG on saying ‘yes’

They say you should say ‘yes’ more often. Saying ‘yes’ means being open to new ideas, new possibilities and unexpected discoveries. Saying ‘yes’ means learning, challenging yourself and living life to the fullest.

Sometimes I say ‘yes’ when I know Read more →

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One good turn

They say one good turn deserves another… I feel like I’ve taken in a homeless person. He was dirty, smelly and skinny, plus he threw up on my floor within minutes of his arrival a week ago. As Hot DanishRead more →
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WLG on home tours

Every month I need to find a beautiful home to feature in an interiors magazine that I edit. I’ll often ask a contact if they know anyone and s/he’ll think of someone with an amazing home but often the home … Read more →

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WLG on friendships

More than one in three men in Britain feel lonely at least once a week, according to a study released this week. What’s more, loneliness peaks at age 35, with 9% of men that age saying they have no regular … Read more →

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