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City style

‘Your clothes are your billboard and they give you the ability to tell people who you are and what you’re about without opening your mouth,’ Henry Holland has previously said in an interview with Nadia magazine. There’s a moment when … Read more →

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A repetitive dating life

My dating life is becoming a little repetitive. The freed up Thursday slot that had previously been scheduled with the landlord travelling in Europe, who, it turned out, is living with his ‘ex’, was booked by an Italian, Alberto.

The … Read more →

West London Girl Comments Off on A repetitive dating life

WLG’s mum is losing her teeth

After decades of smoking, my mum may be losing her teeth. ‘The dentist looked so concerned when he looked at the X-rays that I daren’t ask him any questions,’ she said when I pressed her for details during one of … Read more →

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Man’s best friend

Forget dogs being man’s best friend… ‘Having a cat is better than having a girlfriend sometimes,’ George Owen, who lives in Muswell Hill, apparently told The Times, concluding that his cat is a ‘good companion but isn’t much hassle’. … Read more →

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WLG on cancellations and invites

‘Hey WLG. I have to cancel Thursday. Sorry,’ Eric, the visiting Scandinavian texted. It’s easy to spot a lame excuse because a reason for a cancellation isn’t offered. During drinks at Zuma with my landlord on Friday night, Eric … Read more →

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Whinging pom complaints about Dubai

‘How hot is it today?,’ my mum asks.
‘Thirty degrees,’ I usually reply.
‘Have you been for a swim this week?,’ is the usual follow-up question during our regular Skype calls. I feel like I’m letting her down if I … Read more →

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WLG on flashy invites

‘If you need a place to stay, let me know,’ my landlord messaged me. We were trying to organise a time to sign the amended tenancy contract and his comment didn’t seem entirely innocent considering I’d just said I loved … Read more →

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A singleton’s supportive friends

The wonderful thing about being single is the support of friends. They’ll be honest when you mess up (‘maybe you shouldn’t have mentioned to your date that you forwarded screenshots of the WhatsApp conversation between the two of you to … Read more →

West London Girl Comments Off on A singleton’s supportive friends

Comebacks to sexist put-downs

James wasn’t impressed by last week’s blog. He left a (swiftly deleted as it undermined the anonymity of the blog) comment referring to me as a bunny boiler. All things considered, it didn’t seem the most appropriate put-down yet its … Read more →

West London Girl Comments Off on Comebacks to sexist put-downs

Dating in Dubai

‘My first Dubai “relationship” lasted six dates,’ I said, referring to my first experience of dating in Dubai.
‘That’s a record here,’ my Lebanese colleague replied.

I’d been introduced to James by a mutual friend. The first alarm bell rang … Read more →

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