West London Girl

WLG on failures


You can’t miss what you never had

Once again my work life is beginning to resemble my love life (failures; they’re a cyclical thing). I’ve blogged about the rejection aspect before; and mentioned kind friends’ offer of help.

However, who hasn’t been on the receiving end of a frenemy’s supercilious dregs of thoughtlessness? My experience included a few random web links. I wanted to screen him/her or at least respond with, ‘Wow, I’ve never used Google before, thanks’ but our work relationship is such that I settled for, ‘You should start a recruitment agency’. S/he failed to spot the irony.

We’ve all written bucket lists, target goal lists and/or most memorable moments (if you’re aiming to discover what’s important to you rather than finding out how much of a failure you can feel, I’d recommend the latter over the – usually pricy – bucket list). We’ve also read lists of famously successful people who failed at first. Bill Gates famously dropped out of Harvard. Which actually means Bill Gates was accepted by Harvard but found it undemanding and decided to move onto the more important matter of starting his global empire.

So, in light of my current situation, I thought a list of a few of my many failures might make me feel, well, more successful…

  1. Failure to hold my drink better than an Asian person. This has resulted in letting my mum down. On Mother’s Day. Luckily, my mum is forgiving.
  2. More than one broken engagement. It’s reached the point where my mum has asked me if it’s okay to abdicate responsibility during the next request for her daughter’s hand in marriage.
  3. Millenials might have it bad. Debt, housing, job and dating issues. But you can’t miss what you never had. The more experienced among us have had to downgrade our shopping habits. We’ve even come to miss those awkward chat-up lines in a noisy club.

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