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How 3D printing has helped London in the pandemic

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3D printing technology and offering practical support during a global pandemic don’t form an immediate association. However, the technology has, behind the scenes, supported a number of different community projects in London in the fight against COVID-19. It… Read more →

What Is The Shelf Life of Medicinal Weed?

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While it is always advisable to have a sufficient stock of wheat at your disposal if you are a regular consumer of the scene, holding or keeping an excessively surplus supply of weed is never advisable. The reason is quite simple just like any other edible, it also has… Read more →

Vaping Full Spectrum THC

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The latest trend in weed smoking is vaping. Thousands of people are ditching the traditional joint to get high for a more discreet and safer way. But is vaping full spectrum THC the best way to get high? If you’re thinking of vaping THC, this article might be able… Read more →

Can CBD Gummies Fly Under Social Norms?

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CBD is a chemical that is still in its early stages of legalisation in the United States and many other countries, making travel with it unclear and, at times, challenging. Our favourite CBD gummies are theoretically permitted to fly on domestic flights in the United… Read more →

Types of birds you see in the UK

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The UK is awash with different bird species, some 574 in total, more than most of us could possibly name. We are used to birds like the thrush, blackbird, and robin, but others fly below our radar. While some of these birds are rare and under threat, others are shy and reluctant… Read more →

6 Jobs You Can Train to Do in 2022

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If you are looking for different ideas for jobs that you can train to do in 2022, there are a few steps you can take to help find the right job for you. Firstly, you should check what types of jobs are currently available by checking job websites, as there will be many more… Read more →

Hookahs – How To Smoke Shisha The Right Way

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Many people are consuming tobacco using traditional methods such as using a hookah. In a snap, everyone is using hookahs with more of these traditional methods coming back in style. You will find queues of people looking to try out new flavors. Well, if you have never… Read more →

Interior Design Inspirations From Foreign Places

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1. French Country

The French Chic style was trendy in the past years, but it has been overtaken by a new inspiration based on French countryside living. It is a style that focuses more on how life would be when living in a French farmhouse. It does echo a Bohemian vibe,… Read more →

What to Consider When Designing a Room for Your Child

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As your child gets older you’ll begin to consider redesigning their room. What was appropriate when they were a toddler will no longer work so well as they approach their teenage years. But you can turn this into a fun project with plenty of input from your child too.… Read more →

How to Handle the Problem of Procrastination You May Have

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Almost everyone struggles with procrastinating. It seems to be a universal problem applicable to all social groups – schoolchildren, managers, stay-at-home parents, students, corporate workers or business owners. Somehow, putting off an unwanted… Read more →