They Say
Sofwave is relatively new to the UK market, is FDA approved, and uses ultrasound to lift the eyebrow, under the chin and neck areas, as well as smoothing fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen and elastin production. It is gaining popularity due to the fact there is no downtime afterwards, and results after one treatment last 12-24 months.
It’s a completely safe, non-invasive treatment that lifts, tightens and rejuvenates the skin while tackling fine lines and wrinkles. Sofwave uses next-generation Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam (SUPERB) Technology, which is designed to treat the largest surface area possible while minimising discomfort and downtime.
Sofwave usually delivers visible results after a single treatment. Some clients will see immediate results but, normally, improvements will begin to emerge after a week, as collagen and elastin regenerate. Real results will show between six and seven weeks after treatment, and you can expect further, gradual improvement up to 6 months afterwards, as the skin becomes tighter, smoother and lifted. Results last for 12-24 months.
The Process
Reassuringly taut and immaculately groomed; Dr Jenny is the best advert for ‘what it says on the tin’. Despite looking about 12, she’s a Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon and has worked at The Clinic Holland Park since its inception. She told me she’d had Sofwave, and also told me straight that it could hurt (!)
I was offered anaesthetic cream, or a stronger injectable anaesthetic nerve-block, which, priding myself on my high pain threshold and stoic attitude, I turned down. Slathered in anaesthetic cream 40 minutes before the treatment, I was left to drink tea and read magazines in a beautifully appointed ‘recovery pod’.
The treatment took place in a large clinical treatment room, where a probe was pressed into each area and held, until – after a few seconds – a surge of heat hits. This is a bit… um, spicy, in the more tender spots, but over almost as soon as it’s begun. Each surge is short-lived and wholly bearable. For reference, I had it on a very high setting, and would wholeheartedly do it again!
Each area only needs a few zaps, the whole neck maybe four or so on each side, and then around the eyes just three above and three below each. I can see how it’d be effective on a larger area like the stomach or thighs, as a reasonably large area is covered by each zap.
Unlike Ultherapy – which I’d tried previously – Sofwave only penetrates 1.5mm deep, whereas Ultherapy is closer to 5. The comparatively shallow target of Sofwave avoids the risk of fat loss below the skin, which can occasionally happen with Ultherapy.
The Results
There was an immediate ‘Cinderella effect’ – as soon as I stood up my lower cheek area was chiselled, and my eyes more ‘awake’. Much like a lymphatic facial. I was slightly red for a couple of hours, but, for context, I have the sort of translucent, sensitive skin that flushes at the sight of a radiator.
Sofwave is unique in that it has zero downtime. You can wear makeup, fake tan, work out, use a hot tub or steam room, get injectables, and get drunk right after. If so inclined you could even get drunk in a hot tub right after.
Results are visible from six weeks to three months, peaking at six to eight months, and lasting for a year or two; age and initial-jowl-level contingent.

Dr Jenny Doyle at The Clinic Holland Park
If Dr Jenny appeared even smoother and tauter than when I saw her at my last visit to The Clinic over a year ago, there’s some sort of alchemy happening in this sedate corner of Holland Park.
A non-invasive (long) lunch-hour treatment with results that rival a facelift is not new as a marketing description, but from what I’ve seen of friends who’ve had it, Sofwave is. Canvassing older, richer friends who’d had it in LA, I’ve only heard incredible things.
Once a decade or so, a new treatment comes on the scene, so game-changing it shakes up everything that’s come before. I’d put Sofwave in this category, alongside the keratin blow-dries of the noughties, or Botox when first repurposed as a wrinkle-relaxant.
Three weeks post-treatment and I’m already noticing a lift, despite my relative youth, impervious attitude to after-care, and wholly irresponsible approach to hard partying. I guess I’ll just sit back and await my passive facelift..!
The Details
Sofwave is available from £1750
The Clinic Holland Park; 142-144 Holland Park Ave; W11 4UE; 020 3998 2600