They Say
Karidis Clinic believes in offering the gold standard of non-surgical treatments – therapies that are proven to be safe and effective. Our industry-leading team of aestheticians use only the very best products and devices to reverse the ageing process or contour the body and are passionate about achieving naturally beautiful results for our patients.
The Process
I went into my consultation with concerns that my eyes were starting to look tired. Suzi, the lead nurse at Karidis Clinic, has been expertly trained under Mr Karidis’ watchful eye. She was incredibly open in our consultation, listening to my concerns and suggesting the right treatment with trustworthy candidness. Suzi said that in order to support my under eyes, a tiny touch of filler to the middle of my cheeks and a dash of Botox above my eyebrow would work wonders. Suzi also pointed out that my left cheek had less volume than my right, and – though this is completely normal for most faces – she would be able to balance out the asymmetry with the treatment.
Suzi applied numbing cream and left me to chill in the light, airy treatment room, to give it time to sink in. The procedure that followed was only slightly uncomfortable and over in minutes. She then talked me through potential side effects (mild swelling) and aftercare, specifying how important it is to follow instructions in order to get the best results. She then applied a special surgical foundation to cover up any redness (as you’re not allowed to wear makeup for 12 hours) and sent me on my merry way. It was a little swollen for a couple of nights, and though it’s not necessary, I made sure I slept on my back so that the product had the best chance of settling perfectly.
The Results
It’s so important to ask the experts for the effect you want, as opposed to the treatment you think you need. This experience has proved this for me tenfold. I never would have thought that a tiny bit of cheek filler, expertly placed, would improve my under eyes.
After the initial week, my reflection was looking oddly familiar. Somehow Suzi had managed to subtly sculpt my cheeks to look as they’d done when I was in my early twenties (I’m in my 30s now, in case you were wondering…), leaving my face feeling like she’d literally taken years off it!
The Details
Dermal filler starts from £260