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101 Hotel reykjavik

101 Hotel, Reykjavik

The credentials:

Iceland is garnering a real reputation as one seriously cool destination (and we’re not just talking about the weather—though pack a parka if you’re there over winter), especially among the trendy younger set of travellers. And in Reykjavik … Read more →

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Hotel Rangà, Hella, Iceland

The credentials:

The landscape of southern Iceland is a breathtaking and awe-inspiring thing, almost prehistoric in its bleakness. Eerie plains of black rock give way to windswept grasslands and towering glacier-edged mountains in less time than it takes the flip … Read more →

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Hotel Borg, Reykjavik

The Credentials:

Situated in the very centre of Reykjavik, Hotel Borg represents an imposing yet elegant mark on the landscape of that quiet Icelandic city. Built in the late 1920s by adventurer and martial arts champion Jóhannes Jósefsson, the hotel … Read more →

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