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7 item(s)

The Lido Swimmer

When Cate lived in Bayswater she used to swim in the Serpentine, but after moving south she’s discovered the lidos of Brockwell and Tooting Bec.

Sharing a bath with the great unwashed is Cate’s idea of bliss. Impervious to the … Read more →

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The Banker in the Country

Rory has all the gear and no idea.

One summer when Rory was fifteen he was sent to help out on his uncle’s farm. Uncle Percy didn’t have the heart to tell his sister her son was more trouble than … Read more →

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The Washed-Up Socialite

Claudia is super cool. She gets invited to all the best launches, parties and previews.

Claudia is the scene – if she’s not there it’s not happening. Her insta-game is second to none. Always just out of shot when Tatler’s … Read more →

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The Right-On Couple

Jeremy cycles seven miles to work and frets about the mortgage on their Canonbury fixer-upper.

Ursula loves health food shops and anything ‘chemical free’, wilfully unaware that a chemical is, quite literally, any substance.

A long-suffering doctor once tried to … Read more →

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The Suburban Saleswoman

Shelley sells corporate software to companies that don’t yet know they need it. She likes to drop terms like idea shower, and close-of-play into conversation at the pub.

Actioning her bar order and explaining the benefits of squaring the circleRead more →

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The Oligarch at Breakfast

Vlad is at Epicure’s gardens shattered by the loud-speaker audio of Ulrike’s Moscow drawl. The English couple next to him get up hastily and ask for the remains to be sent up to their room. This pleases Vlad immensely. The … Read more →

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The West London Estate Agent

Oliver sighs as he slicks back his hair with a double handful of Crew, slips on his Rolex and pulls on his chinos. Contemplating the meaning of life, he wonders if he’ll let that two-bed on Fulham Road today.

His … Read more →

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