West London Girl

WLG on boys and Christmas cards


‘I have been on four dates with one woman. It is not love. Not yet. Er, what does love feel like?'

‘Sorry, I ran out of cards, so you will not be getting one this Christmas. But I never sent you and Hot Danish a thank you for the hospitality when I visited,’ Plan B said, bluntly. This week HD’s sister thanked me for the first Christmas card she has ever received from her brother. However, I still haven’t managed to get the address for relatives whom HD and I stayed with earlier this year – so I haven’t thanked them for their generous hospitality or sent them a Christmas card.

Last week Hot Danish initiated some banter with Plan B by email, copying me in, ‘I received the news that you’re in love. Please explain – pictures are welcome too.’
‘I have been on four dates with one woman. It is not love. Not yet. Er, what does love feel like?,’ Plan B replied. And that was the end of their brief repartee.
‘I was really busy with work. I’ll reply tomorrow,’ HD said when I brought it up that evening.

One of my friends is convinced that she wouldn’t have any male friends if she didn’t make the effort to stay in touch with them. Of course this is not true of all guys, but for many it must be rather liberating not worrying about offending or forgetting anyone, or fretting about blurting out the wrong thing or having a text or email misinterpreted.

HD idly picked up the Christmas cards and read the personal messages (from my friends) as he ate breakfast. ‘Do you think having two friends is a sign of real security?’ he said.