West London Girl

Time to Party


It’s tricky for guys – they could either outstay their welcome or pounce too early

Liz, Natasha and I headed to The Botanist for a couple of drinks on Saturday evening. Before long an Irishman made a beeline for Liz, commenting on her gorgeous ‘40s look and blue eyes. He made sure to include Natasha and me in the conversation, so we thought he might have potential. But then he moved on to another group of girls… And then another… We had a table by then and a hot seat for potential candidates.

Next up was an Australian who politely asked if he could join us, but within minutes asked for my number. ‘You can’t blame a man for trying,’ he said as he awkwardly left his seat when I told him I wasn’t single. Natasha went to the bar to get the next round of drinks, returning with candidate three – a Swedish man in his 70s. He regaled us with pub jokes and travel banter before leaving (it was his bedtime). I suppose it’s tricky for guys – they could either outstay their welcome or pounce too early.

Rapper A.D.E kicked things off at the WLL Summer Party. At that early hour the rapper’s music was perhaps a little heavy for some west Londoners, although one woman exclaimed, ‘I wouldn’t mind taking those [animal print] trousers off’. By the time Kase performed just after 10pm I spotted Orlando Hamilton crawling along the floor while girls’ willingly parted their legs.

Another friend was dumped unexpectedly. This time it happened a day after I had dinner with them. I’m starting to worry that HD will not be there to meet me at the airport when I arrive in Amsterdam a week after him…