Following a bout of unsuccessful online dating, Nina has decided to take a break from it. ‘How is work, life, and dating?’ I asked her.
‘Greece is booked for this summer. Dating? Have not been on a date for ages – I am just cruising on that front. Seems that if you are not online, you are not dating. What about you?’
‘I was supposed to be seeing Harry next weekend but he’s already lost interest so I’ll see other friends instead. Bloody ADD Tinder-addicted Millenials! Maybe you should write about your experiences in Greece this summer.’
‘I think that was called Shirley Valentine.’
While some people take time out from Facebook, Liz took time out from Whatsapp. ‘It’s so invasive,’ she said. ‘People feel ignored if you open it to deal with something urgent but don’t have time to attend to them.’
‘I’m bored. I’ve asked Dan to take me away,’ I messaged her when she was finally back online.
‘The office junior?’
‘The only Four Seasons I think he could afford to take me to is the Chinese restaurant. I mean Trustafarian.’
‘Yeah, our Dan probably lives in his parents’ basement. I swear dating used to be so much easier – I’d just meet a nice chap in the pub, talk for ages, invite him along to wherever I was going with my mates and end up dating him for a year. Now everyone’s so suspicious of everyone’s motives though I do think the advent of Tinder, Happn etc has allowed men to be totally disingenuous: even my most faithful attached guy friends are checking their Tinder constantly.’
There probably hadn’t been any real chemistry but I messaged the Hockey Player I’d met through work, giving him my number. His response ended with ‘Would be nice to catch up some time for a drink. Hope you have an inspiring rest of the week!’. I was started to regret saying I didn’t want any drama.