West London Girl

WLG on grown-up style


I’d been dying to give him a makeover; here was my chance

‘What are you up to this weekend?’ I asked Craig. He listed his duties, ending with, ‘I have to buy some more clothes, too.’ I’d been dying to give him a makeover; here was my chance. I offered my assistance, which included, ‘We can start by going through your wardrobe.’

The women-repellent short-sleeved shirts; the jaundice-inducing colours; the teenage-style cargo shorts and country kitchen-inspired prints had to go before we decided on the new wardrobe staples to fit his lifestyle. Liz was concerned that Craig might no longer be my friend by the end of the weekend. ‘Make sure you praise him when he picks something right,’ she suggested.

The wardrobe edit went better than expected. Most of the nasties had only been worn once, if at all. Anything that was too big was thrown out except a blue gingham Charles Tyrwhitt shirt. ‘Take it to a tailor,’ I advised.

‘A friend from work offered her help, but the problem was that I don’t like her style,’ he admitted. An ex had also suggested creating a Pinterest mood board, before buying him a shirt that went straight into our ‘out’ pile. I was reminded of the Lawyer’s reference to his ex (who likely didn’t suggest a gentle face wash because she didn’t use one on herself).

‘I think the underlying message today was “Grow up”,’ Craig messaged me that evening. I emailed him some colour guidelines, suggested wardrobe staples and some tips and suitable shops. He’s still talking to me. I even received a thank you. But then he hasn’t read this blog post yet…

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