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HydraFacial at Dr Rita Rakus

The Blurb:

Known as the London Lip Queen, Dr Rita Rakus has more than 20 years’ experience in non-invasive cosmetic solutions for face and body rejuvenation. Her swish Knightsbridge clinic now offers HydraFacial; a 50-minute facial which combines gentle but deep exfoliation with hydrating and antioxidant-rich serums – fans include Kate Winslet, Beyoncé, Eva Mendes and Matthew McConaughey and the treatment was voted the industry’s top skin health procedure by world trade publication Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa Magazine.

The Process:

After the grand entrance and seat in the drawing room (where there were two other clients – this is a popular clinic) to fill in the 12-page form (it wasn’t a generic form covering riskier injectables, either), my therapist Shilah led me to the treatment room. She talked me through the treatment which uses specially formulated serums combined with a gentle vacuum-based skin abrasion tip. I was particularly impressed by the exfoliation – Shilah gave me a ‘before’ and ‘after’ view of my nose. The ‘after’ side was noticeably more refined looking. To finish my speedy facial, moisturiser and sun protection was smoothed onto my skin.

The Result:

The results of my deeply cleansed and moisturised face were immediately noticeable – smoother and more evenly toned. I also received useful product advice, specifically for my skin, including using SPF 15 to 30. The difference in the benefits of using factor 30 and factor 50 is minimal and isn’t worth it for the added chemicals added to the higher factor.

HydraFacial starts at £120.

Dr Rita Rakus, 34a Hans Road, London, SW3; www.drritarakus.com; 020 7460 7324

Tried & Tested |