When you feel like you have met the person you want to spend your life with, you may want the beginning of your engagement to be truly spectacular. To accomplish this, you may want to start planning how you will propose to them. It can be important to take your partner’s personality into account as, while some people may genuinely love grand, public gestures, others might feel embarrassed and prefer something a bit more intimate.
One of the first elements that you may want to consider when planning your proposal could be to pick out the perfect engagement ring for your future spouse. While diamonds are seen to be somewhat of a tradition for engagement rings, you may also want to think about if they have a favourite stone that you could use instead. You may also need to consider whether your partner wears more gold or silver coloured jewellery so that you can buy something they will enjoy wearing.
If you don’t know your partner’s ring size, you could opt to use one of their current rings to take a measurement. Alternatively, you could instead decide to propose first, and buy the ring at a later date. This could be especially useful if you want to propose fairly soon but haven’t had the time to save up for the ring of their dreams yet.
The venue where the proposal might take place could also be rather important. If you want to have a more romantic backdrop when you pop the question, you might want to integrate it into a romantic getaway, choosing a beautiful destination. This doesn’t have to involve travelling abroad either. You may be able to find some beautiful scenery right here in the UK. However, some people may find that doing this can be unrealistic. Instead, you might simply want to propose on a Tuesday night in your kitchen because your partner is just so wonderful that you no longer want to wait. Either way can be acceptable, depending on the couple in question.
There may be some traditions that you need to consider before you simply go ahead with them. One such example can be whether or not to ask a woman’s father for permission to propose. While this may seem like a good thing to do, it might also give the impression that she is not in control of her own life. Likewise, if your partner doesn’t speak to her father, or has a fairly poor relationship with him, it may also not go down well. Instead of asking, you may want to consider telling her closest family or friends, if appropriate, or simply keeping things quiet until after the event.
Proposing to your partner can involve quite a bit of thought and work. However, your partner is more than likely to be thrilled by your efforts, especially if they have been hinting at getting engaged for a while. Sadly, your days of planning do not end here as, all being well, you may now have a wedding to sort out.