
Royal Court Theatre

More Life by Lauren Mooney & James Yeatman; Royal Court; 6th February - 8th March; £15 - £30

‘Imagine yourself as a file on a computer:
That’s you. That’s what you are now.’

A woman wakes up in 2075, in a body that is not her own.

Fifty years ago, Bridget died in a car accident. Now, thanks to a technological breakthrough, she is back: her mind, her consciousness, in a synthetic body. Metal. Wires. But she’s still Bridget, isn’t she? She must be.

This sci-fi gothic horror, by Lauren Mooney and James Yeatman, is set in a future where pain and death are going rapidly out of date. More Life is a thrilling exploration of what it means to be human.

They say the first person to live forever has already been born. This is the world they are making for us.

Book via www.royalcourttheatre.com

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