West London Girl

WLG on small pleasures


'My life has no real meaning. I wonder if people think I'm shallow?’

‘She’s at home sulking because I said it was a boys’ night,’ Hot Danish’s friend said when asked where his girlfriend was. We were at De Parade (an annual travelling theatre festival which completes its run in Amsterdam’s Martin Luther King Park). ‘Why do girls sulk?’ the friend continued.
‘Boys do it, too,’ I countered, nodding towards HD, who was ordering another bottle of wine at the pop-up bar. A couple of girls joined us and said I must go on the fairground swings. I sidled up to HD. ‘Go with the girls,’ he said.
‘But the swings are made for two and there would be three of us.’ He wouldn’t be swayed. Annoyed, I went off to the ladies. When I returned one of the guys offered to join me on the swings. I looked at HD. ‘She wants to go with you,’ the friend nodded to HD.
‘I’ve left London, my friends and my job,’ I whinged.
‘Don’t worry, he’ll go,’ another of HD’s friends soothed, smiling at HD. ‘I’ll take some pictures.’
‘I’ll go to anything here except the swings,’ HD said, looking around at the various tents. ‘What else do you want to see here?’
‘Why is everyone talking to me like I’m a child?’ I said. The guys smothered their laughter. HD took my hand and led me in the direction of the swings; his friend followed, camera in hand. After the ride HD looked at me smiling, ‘You’re like a five-year-old who is happy she got her way.’

Following Natasha’s ‘pedestrian’ day in Fulham with her ex, there had been an exchange of emails between them which included the ex admitting that he enjoys being alone, only wants someone in his life to accompany him to a play or on a road trip while simultaneously offering to move to London to be with her. Consequently, Natasha revealed her thoughts on his contradictory nature which meant she couldn’t see a future as a couple with him. The ex had thanked her for her ‘well composed and smart’ email and also mentioned that she deserved to be pampered. He sent her a voucher for Chelsea Day Spa.

‘I like to exercise, go shopping and chill out at a day spa when I’m not working. I don’t have any big responsibilities, commitments or anyone to look after,’ Natasha said. ‘My life has no real meaning. I wonder if people think I’m shallow?’
‘You are not shallow. You’re a very generous and thoughtful friend and everyone needs downtime. Plus, working out is good for your physical health anyway,’ I replied.

Couples and old friends row but a bit of indulgence is important in every relationship – for the guys as well as the girls. As American writer Robert Brault once said, ‘Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realise that they were the big things.’