West London Girl

Little white lies


'First of all I never got to tell you that you are so beautiful'

My text was the first thing Kate read when she woke up, ‘First of all I never got to tell you that you are so beautiful…’ In her early morning daze, she thought, how sweet that my friend is telling me this!

She continued reading, ‘…(just wanted to get it in there). And if I’m totally honest I’m seeing someone’. By the time she got to the end, she realised that she was receiving the last of my messages as I relayed the irony of meeting a gentleman.

I’d met the cute rapper when he was single and I wasn’t. Since my return to London, the roles had reversed. A few days after discovering this, Monique had to cancel our whisky and cheese session at The Capital Bar due to illness. I asked the Rapper if he had someone – hot and single – who could join me.

‘WLG – I actually might have just the guy. He’s a good friend of mine – good dude and doing well for himself.’ I requested three things: a name, how he knew him and a pic. A few hours later came the lame reply, ‘He and his ex have started speaking again. Sorry, he let me down.’

It was becoming clear that the little white lies that I tell guys, whom I’m not interested in, were being told to me!

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