My West London Life

Sarah Bagheri

Sarah Bagheri


Teenage artist Sarah Bagheri on getting used to the dark side, displaying in the Saatchi gallery and writing your own future

Congratulations on winning Art Explosion! How did you get involved with Epic CIC and the competition?

Thank you! I appreciate the congratulatory wishes. I got involved with Epic CIC and the competition as a result of youth centre programmes at Lancaster/Golbourne and group activities where these opportunities were offered to me.

Have you taken part in many competitions?

Not so much in art, mostly dance competitions.

Where does your passion for art come from?

Everybody needs to lose themselves once in a while, some lose themselves in people, others in places, and I lose myself in my art. That is where my passion derives from; the fact that I can create more than just a painting, but an intimate microcosm whereby all my emotions and streams of consciousness flow, makes me feel passionate about what I do.

What’s your favourite thing about living in Kensington?

Wow that’s a tough question to answer as there are many things that I love about living in Kensington, but if I have to choose one then I would say it’s the plethora of cultures and traditions that come together that make me love it; it feels unified and homely.

Where’s your favourite place to spend a day in Kensington?

Wherever there’s an art gallery.

Where does your your inspiration come from?

My inspiration comes from the social labels ‘grotesque’ or ‘abhorrent’—I find that what is considered ugly embraces a modest beauty and I try to expose this in my art.

Also the notion of becoming accustomed to the dark is a driving force for my creative expressions. As humankind we’ve grown to seek comfort from light but we are so blinded by its exuberance that like moths, we do not consider the dangers of it, hence darkness is one of my biggest inspirations.

You’re currently in school—is art something you’d like to continue after your studies?

Definitely, Holland Park School, which I attend, has offered me the opportunity of doing my art A level a year early, they are very supportive of what I do and I plan to continue my art studies here.

Your artwork is going to be displayed in the Saatchi Gallery, which is a huge achievement! Roz Logan from the gallery was a judge, did she give you any tips?

It was a pleasure to meet Roz Logan and an honour to have her judge my work—I only had a brief conversation with her but she was very kind and encouraged me to continue in the field of art.

What are your plans when you finish school?

I will definitely carry on with art, but I do not know what my exact plans are when I finish school, for now I’d like to keep my paths open.

Which artists’ careers would you like to mirror?

No one’s. I’m sorry if that sounds arrogant, but I don’t wish to mirror anyone else’s career, but create my own path from scratch rather than an adaptation of theirs. I have a huge admiration for many artists out there, but I feel that reaching true success as an artist will only come from writing my own future. There is a big difference between influence and inspiration, and one is not as healthy as the other.

If you didn’t do art, what would you do instead?

Dance, definitely dance—I admire myriad dance styles out there; krump/waacking/popping—it’s something that I immerse myself in whether or not I do art.

Sarah Campus, founder of LDN MUMS FITNESS


We chat sleeping, eating, hydrating and moving with pre and post-natal fitness expert, Sarah Campus

Sarah Campus is a highly experienced women’s personal trainer, a nutrition coach, wellness expert and a busy mum of three. In 2016 she founded LDN MUMS FITNESS. She is a fitness and wellbeing panellist for Women’s Fitness Magazine and often appears on television as a holistic health specialist.… Read more →

Amy Nairn, Personal Chef


Personal Chef Amy Nairn on her favourite restaurants, high-profile clients, & cooking to impress!

Where do you live and why?

Having grown up between Islington and Scotland, I’ve lived in Parson’s Green most of my adult life. I love village atmosphere, the mix of ‘country’ pubs, young families, and its proximity to the King’s Road.

How did you get into cooking, is

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