The blurb
Tina Cutler describes herself as a vibrational medicine practitioner and draws on techniques such as reiki, reflexology, craniosacral therapy and sound therapy, putting her own spin on it with crystals and ‘psychic healing’. She combines this with natural remedies designed to boost the body’s ability to heal itself, and offers to treat a wide range of health issues, ranging from stress and exhaustion to emotional problems.
The process
I arrive for my appointment with Tina in a bit of a flap, but am immediately struck by the tranquillity in her ground-floor flat near White City that doubles as her practice. Even her three rescue dogs appear profoundly serene.
As soon as I sit down on the sofa in her treatment room, Tina gets to work diagnosing my health by dowsing with a pendulum while firing off a long list of questions, ranging from my medical history to the more esoteric. “How old would you say your emotional self is?” she enquires, followed by “How much do you trust your spiritual self?”
It turns out we all have an ‘internal family’ consisting of five parts—the intellectual, the emotional and the spiritual self, plus the body and our inner saboteur. Tina runs through the significance of each, acting out the different roles. Her message certainly resonates with me. The theory that we must listen to and love ourselves to achieve inner equilibrium is nothing new—any self-help book will tell you that—but it makes even more sense to me when Tina explains it.
The second part of our session is the healing, intended to remove energy blocks and aid transformation. I lie down on a massage table and Tina covers my eyes with a blindfold and my ears with headphones playing a ‘brainwave healing’ recording of smattering rain. It is pleasantly relaxing, as is her light touch when placing crystals in my hands and dabbing a little oil on my neck and stomach, but other than this I’m not sure I feel much going on. My mind wanders. Is the healing really working? I tell my intellectual self to pipe down and let my spiritual self enjoy the experience.
When I get up at the end, I am taken aback by how spaced out I feel, and a tiredness of epic proportions descends on my body. Tina assures me I will feel fine after I’ve had some sleep, during which my system will “reboot like a computer”. She hands me a small bottle of her signature TLC remedy—almond oil ‘infused with vibrations’—and instructs me to apply it on various meridian points once a day for a week. The full effect of the healing treatment will build up over the course of the next fortnight and beyond, she explains.
The result
I found my session with Tina grounding and her positive energy was inspiring on many levels. Will it lead to real transformation? I think that’s up to me.