The Blurb:
Also known as three-dimensional Pilates, Gyrotonic incorporates the principles of yoga, dance, swimming, gymnastics and tai-chi to exercise the musculature while mobilising the joints. Suitable for all ages, shapes and sizes, this rhythmic, flowing class uses specially designed equipment built around the shape of the human body.
The Process:
A rubber toe separator is squeezed onto each foot – with some difficulty in my case – to stretch my toes. My one-on-one session started seated on a low stool while my instructor, Sophie, helped me to use the equipment to stretch my shoulders, arms and spine. Sophie also massaged my arms and eased my body into the moves. The movements were slow and gentle, enabling me to feel a deep stretch and also discover which areas of my body needed extra work (my right side was a lot stiffer than my left).
We then moved onto a different machine to work out my legs and build core strength. Again, the movements were flowing and gentle, including one that was like a dolphin moving its tail.
The Result:
The slow flowing moves help you to feel more in tune with your body, while the exercises definitely tone. I’m used to doing lots of cardio and working out with weights, so couldn’t help asking Sophie what other exercise she does to keep her figure so lean and toned, but she confirmed she only does Gyrotonic. I came away feeling like I’d had a deep tissue massage. I felt very relaxed and a little dazed. An early night was in order. This is definitely a class for those who like the gain without pain.
Private and duet appointments in Gyrotonic are available during the week from 6am–9pm and the weekend from 8am–2pm depending on instructor availability. One-hour classes start at £45 for a duet or £63 for a private as a member.