The Blurb
eSalon is a unique, online custom colour service that you can use from the comfort of your own home. It’s simple: you fill in a detailed form, covering all the information that they need about your natural hair, its current state and your desired colour (along with a picture), and then a colourist at the other end uses advanced technology to whip up a unique colour just for you; exactly as they would do it in a salon.
The Process
The package was beautifully wrapped, in stylish millennial pinks and blues, with a cutesy poem printed on the inside and a personalised set of instructions with my name printed on the front. It felt like a proper treat; a hair hamper catered especially for me. In my package was a custom colour, a colouring brush, shampoo and conditioner and a blonde hair tint. There are packages available and you can mix and match, depending on your needs.
The format for colouring was much the same as a box dye, as you start by adding a bottle of developer to the custom colour and then mixing it. The option to use a bowl for this, with the use of the application brush, made the experience not only feel more authentic but so much easier to administer yourself. The package also came with specific instructions that, again, were catered for you, and far surpassed anything you get in a standard box dye. I would recommend following these instruction to a tee, as I went rogue on one section and could see the subtle difference where I’d followed the instructions and where I hadn’t; guess which looked better!
The Results
The result was a smooth overall colour that blended all my lockdown mistakes into something far more natural. I do wish I’d left the mixture on a little longer, or applied a toner straight away, as the colour was initially a little less ashy than I wanted in places (as it would also be in the salon before using a toner.) Luckily, eSalon’s Tint wash perfected the experience by sealing my hair with a gorgeous icy blonde shade.
My own abilities with a hairdryer don’t match the skills of a professional, but with the aftercare of eSalon’s gorgeous smelling shampoo and conditioner, I stepped away (from the bathroom) with that salon fresh feeling all the same. Phew.
The Details:
To find out more, start your colour profile and make your first order for just £20, visit
*All items are sold separately.