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BeautifulBreak Detox

BeautifulBreak Detox

The Blurb:

I decided to give my mind and body a holiday, so I sent myself off to BeautifulBreak for a detox.

For the next two weeks I had to follow a strict vegan low-calorie, no-salt diet. They provided me with my breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, herbal teas, fruit juices, and bottled water. Part of the detox includes a full health MOT check at a Harley Street clinic; one colonic, which is optional, and five thermal body wraps per week.

The Process:

I found being wrapped up like an ancient mummy, for my thermal body wrap, a strange but enjoyable experience. First I was covered in a cold sheet along with four heating pads, which were placed on various parts of my body. I was then wrapped up in a blanket and left to relax with some music, although the therapist did come in every 20 minutes to check I was okay. How long you stay, depends on how comfortable you feel in the wrap. The first time I was wrapped I stayed for one hour, five minutes and used four heating pads.

I was really keen to go through the whole detox experience, so I opted to have the colonic. I’ll spare you the gory details but I will say this – it’s like going to the toilet lying down.

I was then advised to stay in the waiting room after my colonic to make sure everything had been cleared out of my system. I felt much better the next day. By the second week my body had become used to the thermal wraps, so in order to make me produce more sweat, I was wrapped up for longer. During my second week, in three of my five thermal wrap sessions, I stayed for one hour, 40 minutes and used five heating pads.

I’m a vegetarian and I don’t smoke or drink, so adjusting to the diet wasn’t a problem for me. This could also explain why I never really suffered with any side affects, such as headaches and irritability, which I was told could happen as your body starts adjusting to your new diet.

The Result:

I had successfully lost 5.3kg by the end of the two weeks’ experience. I feel more rejuvenated and full of energy. And for the first time in a while I was able to have a good night’s sleep and that felt really good.

Seven-day plan: £660 per person.

£710 per person including a Colonic Hydrotherapy. Each additional week will be charged at £550 per person. The detox is available for seven, 14 or 21 days.

BeautifulBreak Detox at BodyWorksWest, 11 Lambton Place, London, W11; www.beautifulbreak.com, info@beautifulbreak.com; 020 8858 5877

Tried & Tested | , ,