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Beauty trends for 2023

In 2023, maximalism is back in. After a couple of years of being inside due to the pandemic, this year the goal is to express yourself in whatever way you feel comfortable! This could be anything from a colourful manicure to facial gems or armpit hair. Here are some things to look out for this year if you want to hop on the trends.

Body hair self-expression

When it comes to body hair, over the last two years during Covid-19 many of us decided to forego shaving altogether. Attitudes around body hair are changing for those aged 18-14 with many embracing body hair and removing less, but those aged 24-44 still continue to remove it.

For eyebrows, in 2023 skinny and bleached brows are in meaning that less is more. For other body hair, the trend is your own self-expression. This could include keeping everything untamed, removing it all or just trimming.

If you do choose to remove it one of the most popular ways is through wax strips. Waxing removes hair from the root meaning that the hair doesn’t grow back as quickly. Heading to a salon for waxing tends to be the preferred option as professional practitioners know how to properly prepare the skin, apply and remove the wax and perform aftercare. You could also opt to shave or trim depending on your preference.

Warming hair colours

In 2023, the trend for hair colours is getting warmer. From blonde to brunette, rich and warm hair colours are in as they give more of a natural feel to the hair. Many hairdressers will be needing to take personal skin tone into account for a flattering and complimentary effect.

Face and body jewellery

From bedazzled eye gems to chunky jewellery, the runway has been full of stunning pieces over the last few months.

Chunky gold chains and studs are back on trend, following interest in the 90s and Y2K fashion as well as edgy pearls and statement earrings. You will also see plenty of layered jewellery as more is more this year!

For face jewellery, the concept of living art is very on-trend. Butterfly, star and crystal gems make a gorgeous statement, whether on the eyebrow or placed like freckles on the face. Gems are a brilliant way to transform your face and body temporarily in a way that expresses yourself but without the long-term commitment of something like a tattoo or piercing.

In the event you ever decide that a tattoo doesn’t align with your evolving style, there are professionals offering tattoo removal services in Dallas to help you return to a blank canvas.

Life’s journey often leads us to experiment with various forms of self-expression. Tattoos can be a beautiful testament to one’s experiences, memories, and milestones. However, with time and changing perspectives, some people find that their inked choices no longer resonate with their current selves. Thankfully, modern technology and skilled professionals have made it easier than ever to reverse those decisions, ensuring that our bodies remain the perfect medium for our evolving stories.

Nail art

When it comes to nails, in 2023 textured nails are popular. Following on from the face jewellery, we are also going to be seeing this reflected in nail art. Maximalism is very much in this year so be ready to see a variety of textures including 3D decals, floral adornments and gems.

Velvet or cat-eye nails have been seen frequently on social media over the last few months and are still gaining momentum. The style uses shimmering polishes which react with magnetic exposure creating a dual-toned effect which resembles the look of velvet. You could have a full manicure or go for a velvet-inspired French manicure for something a little more toned down.


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