The original craft gin, Citadelle was created in 1996 by renowned French distiller Alexandre Gabriel. Citadelle ‘Gin de France’ is the most widely available premium gin in France, made in Cognac from copper pot stills, it contains nineteen aromatics and botanicals and is the most awarded gin in the world.
Citadelle is the base of many delicious cocktails and is a perfect accompaniment to Oysters during the upcoming season.
Signature serve
Enjoy with fresh oysters, which are abundantly harvested in Charente near Chateau de Bonbonnet, the home of Citadelle.
Chill a large balloon glass, fill with ice, add 1 part Citadelle Gin, add 3 parts tonic water, garnish with a lemon peel.
50/50 Citadelle Réserve Martini
For something to impress your dinner guests, and bring a little bit of light entertainment. For the fun tasting ritual, swallow your oyster, save the shell and pour the 50/50 Citadelle Réserve Martini, lightly squeeze a lemon on your cocktail to add some acidic flavours. Drink as a shot – salut!
Pour 4.5cl of Citadelle Réserve gin into a shaker, add 4.5cl of Mancino Secco Vermouth, shake with ice.
Find these cocktails at 108 Brasserie. Set in the heart of Marylebone, 108 Brasserie houses two distinctive areas; the bar, a chic and sophisticated drinking and dining area, and the brasserie dining space, where its menu features bold flavours, alongside beautiful aesthetics, set to make 108 a truly memorable dining experience.