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Shopping News

credit rating

Wanting to buy your own home? Four ways to improve your credit rating

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For many people the transition from renting or living with your parents to finally getting your hands on the keys to the front door of your own property is a laborious and frustrating process (and for some seemingly impossible). Proving that you are able to pay back… Read more →


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A top pest control firm is offering customers a special Halloween deal—with an EXORCISM thrown in for free. Fantastic Services Pest Control is offering to deal with any insect infestations and then clean the problem property to wipe away any trace of dead bugs.… Read more →
mice unwanted pests

Controlling unwanted pests at home

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Pests are truly unwanted in our homes. Not only do they make us recoil in fright, they often carry harmful germs and bacteria with them too. This means that protecting your home and controlling infestations is very important if you want to ensure your family is safe… Read more →

Happy Howl-o-ween! Halloween for pets

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The leaves are turning brown and the nights are drawing in, so begins the countdown to Halloween… Halloween is a fun time for children and families, when thoughts turn to spooky costumes, pumpkin carving and trick or treating. At fetch.co.uk they’ve pulled… Read more →
soft furnishings

How soft furnishings increase the revenue-per-room of serviced apartments

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If you’ve recently decided to enter the serviced apartment business, then we’re sure RevPar (revenue per available room) is a hot topic at the moment. When it comes to measuring the financial performance of any establishment, RevPar is key, because it will allow… Read more →

Cocoon launches new ‘bed in a box’ mattress and online Sleep Squad

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It’s official—this summer has been a sleep washout, with a third of Londoners saying it’s the worst they can remember for getting a good night’s rest. Humidity, Brexit anxiety, heightened pollen levels and being generally uncomfortable means the capital’s… Read more →

How much do UK hosts make on Airbnb?

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Living life large: the basic guide to storage in a big family

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If you want to keep your home tidy and organised when you live on your own, storage is important. But when your family starts to grow and you have two, three or perhaps even more children, storage becomes imperative. A large family probably means you’ll be continuously… Read more →
air pollution classic cars

Should London follow in Paris’ footsteps? Banning older vehicles from the road

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London’s new Mayor Sadiq Khan has chosen to make an early stand on air pollution in the capital. He recently unveiled a radical raft of measures to crack down on the issue, including a headline-grabbing ‘T-charge’. The £10 toxicity levy will apply to any vehicle with… Read more →

Festivals in figures

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With the UK festival season now well and truly underway, creative design and manufacture company Scruffy Dog Ltd (scruffydogltd.com)—who design themes and construct sets for large scale events—have created a fascinating infographic showing… Read more →