How to add interest to a garden

For many, the garden is an area of great pride. Whether it’s a domestic garden in which to throw a BBQ party and entertain friends or a commercial garden to impress clients and for staff to relax. Gardens are valued in a wide range of settings.

After a while, however, it’s easy for even the most beautiful garden to lose its appeal. Luckily, there are many ways to add interest to a garden and make it a captivating and engaging space to spend time in and entertain guests in. With a little bit of creativity, you can turn a garden into a captivating and engaging space that you can enjoy for years to come.

Add colour

The most effective way to add interest to a garden is by adding a little splash of colour. Green might be the most desirable colour in any garden but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for just greens and browns. Consider planting more colourful flowers or using coloured flowerpots, garden art or outdoor furniture. Choose colours that complement each other or that create a contrast to cultivate a more interesting and luxurious garden.

Vary the texture and incorporate movement

Adding texture to your garden is another great way to add interest. Consider planting different types of foliage, such as plants with broad leaves and plants with spiky leaves. Mixing it up with smooth stones or rough bark can also create a more sophisticated and varied visual interest. You can create the illusion of movement by planting ornamental grasses which sway in the breeze, or by adding a water feature such as a fountain, pond, or waterfall. These features will help to create a more tranquil environment that is both visually and aurally appealing.

Use garden art

Incorporating garden art is another great way to add interest. Garden art can include sculptures, ornaments, birdhouses, and wind chimes. When choosing garden art, consider the theme of the garden, the size of the space, and the style of the building the garden will complement.

Create levels and zones

Creating different levels in a garden can add depth and interest. You can create levels by building retaining walls, using planters, or adding a raised garden bed. These features also make it easier to plant and maintain a garden. If you wish to use a garden for different purposes, try splitting it into zones; a wildlife zone and an outdoor dining zone for example. A distinctive dining zone can be created using paving stones and a wildlife area defined by planting wildflowers.

Use solar lighting

Adding lighting to a garden can create a soft and subtly magical atmosphere. Add outdoor lighting to highlight certain areas of a garden, such as a tree, a pathway, or a garden bed. You can also use solar-powered garden lights to create a soft, subtle glow throughout the garden and you won’t have to trail wires across the space.

Attract wildlife

Adding elements to attract wildlife, such as bird feeders, birdhouses, and butterfly gardens, can make a garden more interesting. You can also incorporate native plants that attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, into the garden. Not only do these elements add interest, but they also help support the local ecosystems. You could even attract hedgehogs into a garden by building a hedgehog house.

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