The impossible-to-buy-for partner’s birthday always comes around before you know it. Each year, as you watch them unwrap the gift that you tried so hard to get right, you tell yourself that next year you will finally nail it. Well, next year is here, and for those of you with partners who have summer birthdays, the time has come for you to step up your game and find them that perfect gift. Before you give up hope and reach for the gift card, here are a few options that might just be perfect.
Replace Workout Gear
The hot weather has hit the UK with a vengeance already, and anyone who exercises regularly knows that their workout gear is going to be pushed to its limits this summer. That means that getting your partner a replacement item, whether that’s running shoes, gym clothes or a reusable water bottle is going to be a very safe bet. You could also research what kind of sweat-wicking clothes could be an upgrade for their wardrobe or get them a new bag for their kit.
CBD Drinks
Even if you are not well acquainted with CBD products already, the chances are that you will have heard the name. A wide range of people is using CBD products for a number of different reasons, and they have been shown to help with a variety of issues from pain to stress. If your partner is looking for a way to incorporate CBD into their lives, why not treat them to some CBD drinks? The Good Level offers CBD tea and CBD coffee that can help soothe and unwind without sacrificing flavour.
Gifts For The Garden
This is one for all those people who moved home over the last couple of years. The garden can often be the last part of the new home to get any attention, but if you know that your partner has green thumbs, then it can be the basis for a great birthday gift. Now, you should find out what kind of plants they are interested in. Some people have ambitious ideas for flower beds, others are much more excited about growing their own vegetables. Alternatively, some garden furniture could be the best choice if they are more interested in sitting outside to enjoy the sunshine.
Travel Gift Ideas
Everyone has their eye on the perfect getaway this summer, and the fact is that it may be more stressful than we would like it to be. There have been a lot of stories already about travel chaos, and whether it’s rail strikes, or flights being cancelled, it looks like everyone is going to be pretty stressed about what should be a nice relaxing trip. One of the best ways that you can help with this is by ensuring that they have everything else that they need: treat them to a new suitcase, a new travel wallet, or a travel diary.